Saturday, August 28, 2010

Iowa State Fair

We were able to go to the Iowa State Fair this year. It is Huge! There are so many things to see and do you could easily spend the whole week there. Its even complete with a butter cow (I know only in Iowa). I think the kids favorite part was the seeing the baby animals and doing "Little hands on the farm" - its where they get to pretend to be farmers, everything from planting to harvesting and then spending the money they make at the little store they had. They really did love it - I only wish it wasnt raining!! They also got to go on a few of the rides and see all the animals and tractors (Scott and Parker's favorite). We were all very worn out that night, but it was worth it!

Posing by the tractor!

This is the kids doing the little hands on the farm. Their baskets are full and ready to take it to the buyers for their 'money'.

Haley got to help make a rope out of twine. She thought it was so cool and held on to her rope the rest of the day :)

Playing in the water fountains. I guess the rain didnt get them wet enough ;) (I love these pics though)

1 comment:

Katrina said...

What a great day! I love the water pictures that is so cute and you can never get wet enough according the kids :) We haven't made it to the fair in a couple years, too bad too since it won't be so easy to get there anymore.