Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We had some visitors to Iowa this week!! My mom, dad, and little brother - Kellan, came to see us! It was so fun to have them here! Haley loved having her Grandma and Grandpa around! And even though it was snowy and cold most of the time it warmed up enough to bundle up and go to the Des Moines zoo! The zoo also had a lot of indoor exhibits so that was fun. Haley loved seeing all the animals, and she still talks about it. We had a wonderful Valentines Day dinner (steak and shrimp) that we cooked on our grill! It was the best steak I've ever had! We also had a birthday party for all the February birthdays (My dad, Kellan, Scott, and I) and of course Haley had to help us blow out the candles! We were all so sad to see them go home (especially Haley) Thanks for coming Mom and Dad!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fun facts about the kids!

I thought that I would write just some few fun and random facts about what the kids are up to nowadays.

  • Favorite word: WHY? ( its such a small word and yet it is so difficult to answer sometimes - and she doesnt let me off by just saying because - she says 'because why?!'
  • Favorite color: Pink
  • Favorite book: 'The very hungry caterpillar' (at least it is this week)
  • Favorite toy: her kitchen and play-do!
  • Favorite movie: The Lion King
  • Favorite TV station: PBS Kids (Mine too actually ;))
  • Favorite food: Anything with noodles!
  • She talks very well and can carry on a good conversation. Her latest phrase is "I told you" - Example: I'll ask her what she wants for lunch and she'll say "sandwich" and I'll say "how about mac and cheese" and then she'll firmly reply " Mom - I TOLD YOU - I want a sandwich!" Its actually pretty cute.
  • Her hair is long enough that I actually got it into a single braid the other night!
  • She is a very good big sister most of the time (sometimes she gets the urge to tackle him or drag him across the room)
  • She loves to go to nursery and is always singing the songs she learns there.
  • Favorite food: Carrots or sweet potatoes
  • Favorite time of day: When he wakes up from his afternoon nap - most of the time I know he's awake because he's just cooing and jabbering in his crib.
  • He has one direction: backwards! He scoots around on his belly and mostly goes in circles.
  • He is finally starting to sleep through the night (well, besides a couple trips in to give him his binki)
  • He loves to watch his big sister and is always looking for her and what she is doing.
  • He gives the best little hugs
  • Has the biggest smile and the cutest little dimple on his right cheek.
I love these two kids so much! And although there is times that I just wanted to scream, they bring so much joy to my life!