Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

My family always has their Christmas party on Christmas Eve and we were so glad to be a part of it this year. It was extra special because my Grandma and Grandpa Jackson were there. We had a little program and the kids sang Jingle bells, and also had a nativity. Haley was an angel, and Parker was the cutest sheep I've ever seen!! It was such a fun night of giftgiving and traditions! We ended the night with Christmas Eve Jammies!! Haley was so excited for her Tinkerbell PJ's and Parker would point at his 'Cars' PJ's and say "Tuck" (aka truck) It was pretty cute!

After I posted the slideshow I realized I missed a pic that I wanted to share. This is Parker sporting his Cristmas punch mustache! (Christmas punch is a long time family Christmas tradition)

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Looks like a lot fun it's so great you got to spend Christmas with family.