Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Chicken pox?!!

Yep - thats right! I'm pretty sure that is a chicken pock!!! I couldn't believe it. She actually starting getting some on her face the other day and I just thought she was breaking out, but when she woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and tummy ache I put two and two together. I called the doctor to see if it could even possibly be chicken pox since she has had the vaccine and I have no idea who she would have got it from, and they said that even though it is rare now they still see kids having it every once in a while. She has been so sad today, but her fever broke a little while ago and so she's doing a little better. She says, "I fat, I fat" and sticks out her tummy to tell me that it hurts. It's pretty cute. No worries about Parker though - they said that he should be fine because he's still got the immunity from me in him. Hopefully it will pass quickly!


Konnie said...

Poor Haley. Give her lots of hugs and kisses from us.

Kallee said...

How sad! I hope she starts feeling better soon. Amelia, I love the potty training stoy. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has had to clean up poop all over the bathroom. What a joy!

The Olsen Family said...

The look on her little face just makes you want to cry for her and give her a big hug. Hope she got better fine.