Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby Poop...

After Haley had gone to the bathroom the other day we had this conversation as I was helping her 'clean up'

Haley, "Mom those are just little...they are baby poops!"
Me, " Your right Haley those are little ones"
Haley, "Ya they are the babies"
Me, " Oh, OK.." (thinking this would be the end of the conversation - which it was for a minute)

About 2 minutes later after going to the bathroom AGAIN:

Haley, "MOM! Those ones are big! That is the mommy and Daddy!!"
Me, (trying not too laught too hard) "Oh yep those are big"
Haley, "They missed their babies, huh!"
Me, "I guess so"
Haley (as she is flushing) "Bye mommy and daddy"



Trav and Britt said...

ha ha! that is hilarious! don't you just LOVE what they come up with sometimes! that is definitely an awesome one!

Amy Nielson said...

haha, oh man that is so funny!! haha, seriously, kids come up with the funniest things!

Katrina said...

LOL that was really cute. By the way I love the wedding picture addition very fun.

Seantae Jackson said...

I think this is so awesome. And I have to tell you that Dallin loves sharing the story with anybody and everybody... and he always can't stop laughing :)